Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor on Labor Day

Another Labor Day has come and gone. Abram calls Labor Day a "useless" holiday. I actually watched a news segment on the internet about why we celebrate this "useless" holiday. Back in the 1800s many Americans worked 12 hour days, every day. Finally, they started to fight back for better working conditions and an 8 hour work day. How did they fight? By throwing a parade! Yes, a parade! I guess it worked because today most Americans get their 3 day weekend at the beginning of September. But what about those of us who don't get this "useless" holiday off? Abram hasn't had Labor day off since he began working as an accountant 3 years ago. They have a big deadline in September. He gets 2 days off but has to use them after September 15th. I guess the IRS or the client or whoever it is to blame doesn't respect the American worker and value their contributions to our society. And what about the 8 our work day? I could probably count the number of 8 hour days that Abe has worked on just one of my hands. Now, don't get me wrong. He has a wonderful job. But, if he worked 8 hours instead of 12 hours or 18 hours then it would definitely be better. Maybe he and his coworkers should throw a parade. It worked for the old timers in the 19th century. And last but not least, what about us moms? Moms never get Labor Day off. My mom even gave birth on Labor Day. Moms never work only 8 hours. Their working conditions are sometimes only subpar. As soon as we clean up, it seems there's an employee throwing macaroni all over the floor. Often times, our employees are back talking and occasionally they bite. Where's our parade? We need a moms' union to help us fight the inequalities of this "useless" holiday and society itself. No more labor on Labor Day.


Kenna said...

Hi April. It sounds like he works just as much as cody does. It can be dreadful at times. We might have to take some time and take the kids to the park for a play date to pass the time. :>
kenna www.wilsoncrewfamily.blogspot.com

Josh and Lauren said...

Amen sister! Well said...lol! :) I feel for both you and Abe- good luck with the tax season. Come visit us again if you need a break!!!!