Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The short bus

Brooklyn started school yesterday. She is attending a special preschool at a nearby elementary school. It is designed to help 3 and 4 year olds that have developmental problems. Though she's super smart, Brooklyn lacks in social skills. She is extremely shy. For all of you who know Abram, she would have to be Abram x 1000 (or perhaps x 1,000,000) when it comes to not talking. I think in the entire year and a half that she was in nursery, she said maybe 5 words. Once she went to a birthday party and she just sat at the table, looking at her cupcake, while all the other kids devoured their cupcakes and ran off to play. Once again, speechless. I am pretty sure she has what is called "selective mutism." It's where she will talk around her family but once she is around others, even kids her own age, she clams up. Hopefully, preschool will help her become more social and expressive of her feelings. She gets to ride the special "short" bus to school as well. I don't exactly know how proud I should be that my child has to ride the handicap bus to school. A friend of the family put it this way, "It's better that she rides the short bus now instead of when she is bigger." True, very true.

Brooklyn waiting outside at school
Walking out to catch the bus


Ashley said...

Brooke you look so cute with your backpack and all! Good luck with school. We love you.

wanitaislam said...

. the good blog
. i admire to it