Sunday, September 19, 2010

Now I understand

I remember the first time I met my husband's family for the first time. We went up to Brighton for their family reunion. I have some good memories about that event such as Abe's cousin's bee sting on her forehead and the most intense Capture the Flag you could ever imagine. But my first memory of my then future mother in-law was how she wanted us to watch Nate (my husband's younger brother) in his final basketball game she had video taped. It was the State Championship game and he scored the winning free throw and Lowry High took the State title. She was so excited. I thought it was kind of crazy at the time. How many times are we going to watch Nate? I think we even watched it again when we went to his hometown for the first time. I just kept hearing about how Nate made his free throws and won the game. At the time I just didn't understand why a free throw was so incredible. But now, years later, as I have children of my own and they are starting to do their own "incredible" things, I think I get it. Mackenzie had her second soccer game this past Saturday. She managed to score 2 goals for her team. I managed to get the first goal on camera. She was awesome! I was so excited for her. I am still excited for her. I could watch this video all day. Seriously, I really could. So for all you future moms out there who think this behavior is way over the top, just wait. You'll understand someday.


The "D" Family said...

Oh my Gosh, She is the cutest little thing I have ever seen!! Your family is so sweet April! I occasionally find time to read blogs and it is so fun to see you and your family! You are such a great mom! Keep up the great work Chera`!

Ashley said...

Yeah, Mack! Way to go!