Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Messy Poll

Which of the following makes the biggest mess???

a) pumpkin painting

b) pumpkin carving

c) potty-training

Pumpkin Harvest

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sweet Ride

Here's our new addition to the family. Abe bought me a van. I love it! Abe's leaping with joy too, of course. He just couldn't wait to get a van! Okay, I hope you can sense the sarcasm! Anyway, we need a good name for her. So send us your ideas. We're assuming she's a she. It seems to be the going trend in our family!

Friday, October 9, 2009


We found out Mackenzie was farsighted. So she just got glasses. They are purple Ariel princess glasses. She picked them out.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Conversations with a 2 year old...

Okay, Brooklyn has really started talking lately. It's amazing to hear her little voice. She can get pretty demanding too. I hear "I want it now" and "I do it" all the time. Her prayers still only consist of 5 words: Father...day..food...Jesus...Amen. Even at bedtime, it's still the same. But, I'll take those 5 words over 10 minutes of whining anytime. Today, we had a situation that really wasn't very funny but I just had to laugh. Here's the set up:

I am sitting on my bed in our room when Brooklyn walks in chewing on something.

Me: Brooklyn, what are you eating?

and here is her response...


Brooklyn: Boogers!

I know, pretty disgusting.