Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Gift

Mackenzie loves to win. And when I say loves, I mean LOVES. She is the offspring of two insanely competitive people. So, when I heard this I almost died. Here's the situation: we were playing Littlest Petshop Go Fish this morning and Abram kept nodding to Mack to get her to only ask for cards from me. So here's our conversation:

Me: Mack, you should ask for cards from your dad. Look how many he has.

Mack: Mom, do you have a mouse? (Dad had been asking for a mouse the whole time)

Me: Go fish. Mack, you have to ask for cards from your dad. He's going to win if you don't ask him for cards.

Mack: But, I want him to win.

So, to the man who we could never live without, please enjoy your Go Fish championship. You're the best father in the world and I could never do this without you.