Sunday, November 14, 2010

Brooklyn turns 4

Four years ago, I had the most cuddly, cutest little baby. If you could imagine the most perfect baby in the world, you would have to think of Brooklyn. She was a dream. Never really crying, just wanted to be cuddled. She would wake up in her crib and just sit there and wait for who knows how long until I came and got her. Now, she is four. She's perhaps a little crazier and a little less cuddly. She isn't much bigger. Seriously, she is quite vertically challenged and 3T adjustable waist pants set on the last button continue to fall off of her. Her favorite things in the world are probably her baby dolls. She has one or five of them with her at all times. Brooklyn is extremely shy. I think she just loves to bond with her little dolls. They and her sisters are her best friends. When Brooklyn grows up she says that she wants to be a doctor.

Brooklyn wanted a blue snake cake for her birthday.
Opening presents....

The girls woke up early and got into the leftover cake.

Dr. Brooklyn Swensen

Checking Ava's heartbeat

Checking Ava's blood pressure

Ava gets a shot from the doctor

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