Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Green Bean Confessions

Lately, I haven't had much to blog about. No cute pictures, no cute stories. Why? Because I am having a meltdown. So here I am confessing (with all honesty) to the world.

Confession #1 I hate my yard. It has been 2 years and our landscaping is not finished. The sprinklers suck and nothing will grow in the 1 finished grow box that we have. I have planted the beans twice and they are dying once again. I don't want anymore grow boxes. I want the whole thing redone. Seriously, when I walk out there I want to swear! Like a sailor! But, I don't. However, if I don't make it to the celestial kingdom, it will be because of this yard. Not because they keep people who cuss or want to cuss out but because they won't let murderers in. That's right, I am going to kill someone if my freaking yard isn't finished very soon! So, to prevent my everlasting burning in heck, we will be using any bonus money my husband gets this year to redo this stupid yard instead of buying a new car.

Confession #2 I broke my phone. No big deal except the reason why I broke it. My child was pretending to be drowning in a hot tub. She thought that was really funny. It wasn't since I had my phone in my hand when I jumped in to save her. Looking back, if I had it to do over, I would still have a phone and one less child. This leads me to my next confession.

Confession #3 I think I have postpartum depression.

Confession #4 I hate living in Vegas. It is dry and ugly. I want trees in my life (not that they would survive with our irrigation system.) Abe wanted to live here. It's where he got a job. I am sure he put a little more effort in the Las Vegas interview than the Denver or Dallas interviews. So, we are here. Stuck forever. There's nothing I can do except buck up and live with it. Oh, and make sure I water those dying beans.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I understand this, all of it. Maybe because we have parallel lives--three girls the same ages, wonderful, busy husbands, etc...