Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So, here's my new dilemma. Macky's birthday is in September. So, that means next year she can officially start school. I have always thought I would wait until the year after next to put her in kindergarten. I just thought it would be good for her to be the oldest. Also, Macky and Brooklyn would only be 2 years apart in school instead of 3 if we were to wait. Now, I am not so sure. I think she will definitely be ready for school, both intellectually and socially. I just kind of feel bad because she doesn't really play with any other kids on a regular basis. Basically, she doesn't have many friends. I now think it might be a good thing to put her in school so that way she can be around kids her own age more instead of hanging out with boring mom all day. I just don't know what to do! If you have any opinions on this matter please share them.


Alex said...

I'd say put her in kindergarten this year. In my psych class, it said it's better for girls to be the youngest in their grade and the boys to be the oldest. She might be bored if you wait until next year if she's ready this year. Alex's birthday is Aug. 12 and I'm glad I didn't wait until the next year.

The Harveys said...

Ok, so maybe I should call you to talk about this. Here is my personal experience. All of us kids were held back as long as we could be, and I am SO glad my mom did that for us. Drake is a May baby and I won't send him until he is 6. I just want my kids to be the smartest, most ready for school that they can be. Also, since they are boys, I want them to be the tallest, fastest, etc. My good friend was born Sept. 6 and she HATED being the last to date, drive, etc. It was really hard for her to miss out on what the rest of us were doing. This is just my opinion, though. By the way, Grant is several months older than Mackie and he is going to Challenger preschool this year and kind. next year.

Josh and Lauren said...

I'm in the same boat with Berlyn with her birthday in Aug 31st. But I feel that if she is ready for friends and ready to learn...why stop them? Personally, I was the youngest in my class- but as a girl I didn't mind it- and really glad I wasn't in the class below me! :) Let me know how it goes.